

CHINA - Billion-dollar aquafeed entrepreneurs

Tongwei Group’s chairman, Liu Hanyuan tops list of China’s wealthiest aquaculture and aquafeed billionaires.

May 17, 2018

Quoting an analysis of market-listed firms by Fish First, a Chinese industry publication, UndercurrentNews, reports Tongwei Group’s chairman Liu Hanyuan, 53, as the wealthiest of China’s aquaculture and aquafeed entrepreneurs with a fortune of CNY 24.5bn. Tongwei Group is China’s largest aquafeed manufacturer with production capacity of 2.5 million tons. 

At 48-year-old, Xue Hua, chairman and CEO of Guangdong Haid Group, one of China's largest manufacturers of aquafeed, swine feed and animal health products comes in at number two with CNY 9.1bn.

The third is Shao Genhu, 53, founder, chairman and CEO of Beijing Dabeinong Technology Group, worth CNY 9.4bn.  The group last year produced last year produced over 300,000 tons of feed.

Source:  UndercurrentNews // Original Article

[Editor: 1 Chinese Yuan (CNY) = approx. US$0.16)