

FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics Yearbook

The most recent issue of the FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics Yearbook, a compilation of data on capture production, aquaculture production and commodities, is now online.

FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics Yearbook
The most recent issue of the FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics Yearbook, a compilation of data on capture production, aquaculture production and commodities, is now online. The yearbook contains a booklet with general notes, concepts and classifications, and summary tables as well as a pull-out map of FAO major fishing areas and also includes statistics on apparent fish consumption derived from FAO food balance sheets. All the key information and statistical tables are contained on a CD-ROM which can be consulted directly.
For more information contact
Continental coverage: Africa, America North and Central, America South, Asia, Europe, Oceania
Download the online version from the link below (PDF).
