
Event News

AQUAMAX Final Meeting – June 29, 2010, Brussels,Belgium

AQUAMAX Project: Sustainable Aquafeeds to Maximise the Health Benefits of Farmed Fish for Consumers
June 2, 2010

AQUAMAX Final Meeting – June 29, 2010, Brussels,Belgium

AQUAMAX Project: Sustainable Aquafeeds to Maximise the Health Benefits of Farmed Fish for Consumers
AQUAMAX is a four year EU-funded project which started in March 2006. The project has involved a consortium of 32 partners from throughout Europe as well as China and India.

AQUAMAX addresses the balance between reducing both the use of marine resources and the levels of persistent organic pollutants in fish meal and fish oil while preserving the health benefits of farmed fish and maintaining high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

The strategic goal of the project is the maximum replacement of fish meal and fish oil in fish feeds by sustainable, alternative feed resources to produce healthy fish. This includes research in fish nutrition, human nutrition, toxicology and public perception of farmed fish.

The work of the project is achieved through four different programs addressing the following research fields:
Programme 1: Development of feeds based on sustainable alternatives to fish meal and fish oil. The aim of this programme is to develop novel aquafeeds enabling the production of healthy and contaminant free fish and ensuring quality and food safety.

Programme 2: Health benefits of fish consumption, with a focus on pregnant woman and allergic diseases. This programme is responsible for the assessment of the human health benefits of fish produced on new feeds by conducing nutritional intervention studies in pregnant women in Europe and Asia.

Programme 3: Safety of fish farmed on the new feeds developed in Aquamax. This programme aims to assess the safety of fish that are farmed on the new contaminant-free feeds through the analysis of the direct toxic effects of contaminants and the modulating effects of beneficial nutrients in fish.

Programme 4: Perception of farmed fish by the public/consumers and the scientists. This part of the project aims to devise a framework to communicate the risk and benefits of consuming farmed fish to the public and other stakeholders. It also contributes to the development of tailored and effective risk communication strategies regarding the consumption of farmed fish.

The final AQUAMAX meeting will take place in Brussels Belgium at the Square Brussels Meeting Centre (Glass Entrance, rue Mont des Arts, B-1000 Brussels) June 29,  2010 from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
