
Commodity news

High number of juveniles in a new Peruvian exploratory anchovy fishing

The new exploratory fishing aims to assess the conditions to open a fishing season after the cancellation of the first one.

standard_Produce implementa acciones para proteger a la anchoveta, durante la pesca exploratoria en la zona norte-centro

Last week, the Peruvian Ministry of Production (Produce) authorized exploratory anchovy fishing for ten days in the South and North-Center regions to assess the conditions to open a fishing season after the cancellation of the first one.

Produce suspended the exploratory fishing season in five regions for five days due to the high incidence of juveniles. Unofficial reports say that the scenario is the same as in June with more than 50% of juveniles, local news reported.

Local associations are suggesting stopping the exploratory fishing since there is enough evidence on the state of the anchovy resource and to reduce the pressure.