
Event News

2012 Purchasing and Ingredient Suppliers Conference Registration Open

Registration for AFIA’s annual Purchasing and Ingredient Suppliers Conference is now open. Over 450 buyers and sellers of feed and pet food ingredients attend this annual event
December 8, 2011

Registration for AFIA’s annual Purchasing and Ingredient Suppliers Conference is now open. Over 450 buyers and sellers of feed and pet food ingredients attend this annual event. PISC offers industry experts the chance to exchange knowledge and learn about issues affecting the industry. 

The 2012 PISC will be held on March 14–16, 2012 at the Omni ChampionsGate in Orlando, Fla. To register, visit

Anyone interested in the current state of the animal feed industry should attend, as the program is designed to benefit all feed, ingredient and pet food professionals. 

This year’s program highlights include:

• Bar Coding – Bar code data collection assists in managing labor, productivity, operational efficiency, inventory management and traceability. Learn tips from feed industry firms who have already implemented bar coding including DSM Nutritional Products and NutraBlend LLC. 

• Contract Packaging – Packaging is the face of your company, protecting product quality. Ensure your company is in compliance with current and future packaging requirements. 

• The Global Energy Outlook – Over the next 20 years, demand for energy is forecatsted to rapidly rise in response to growing populations and economies. This session will cover key drivers and the challenges of meeting looming energy needs. Exxon Mobil Corporation will share more. 

• Grain Outlook – Richard Brock, Brock Associates will share his thoughts relative to the current and future market trends.

• The Feed Industry: From a Legal Perspective – This session will discuss what to do in a recall and how to guard against litigation and if litigation occurs, what should be done. 

• Federal Regulatory Requirements for the Animal Feed and Ingredient Industries – AFIA’s Leah Wilkinson will present a nuts-and-bolts perspective of upcoming state and federal regulatory requirements regarding animal feed/food production. 

• Major Trends in Agriculture and the Impact of China – What happens in China and throughout Asia has an immediate impact on U.S. farmers and ranchers and the animal feed industry. Learn about conducting business in China from Vanessa Stiffler-Claus, John Deere. 

The AFIA Nutrition Committee will be hosting a pre-conference seminar on Tues., March 13, from 1:00 – 5:30 p.m., with the sessions: Feeding More People with Fewer Resources and Less Impact: Delivering the Message of a Sustainable Future for Animal Agriculture. Speakers include Dr. Jude Capper, Washington State University; Dr. John Patience, Iowa State University; Dr. Frank Mitloehner, University of California, Davis; and Dr. Kurt Vogel, University of Wisconsin, River Falls. The seminar is open to all PISC attendees, but an additional registration fee is required. 

For more information on PISC, please visit