
Event News

60th Annual Northwest Fish Culture Conference

The California Department of Fish and Game will host the 2009 Northwest Fish Culture Conference in Redding, California, December 1 - 3, 2009.

60th Annual Northwest Fish Culture Conference

December 1-3, 2009

The California Department of Fish and Game is pleased to host the 2009 Northwest Fish Culture Conference.  This year's event will be held at the Red Lion Hotel in Redding, California on December 1, 2 and 3, 2009.

The Northwest Fish Culture Conference is an annual informal meeting by and between fish culturists for the exchange of information and ideas about all aspects of fish culture.  These conferences are hosted on a rotating basis by the various fisheries agencies and entities of the Northwest. At the conferences, progress reports of management practices and problems, new developments, and research studies are presented. All persons interested in or associated with fish husbandry are invited to attend and to actively participate.

We are also currently accepting abstracts for presentations.  More information here or contact Paul Adelizi.