
Event News

AFIA Reportable Food Registry Webcast

AFIA will host a webcast September 22, 2009 on the impact of implementation of the FDA’s Reportable Food Registry electronic portal

AFIA Reportable Food Registry Webcast

The Food and Drug Administration’s Reportable Food Registry electronic portal became operational September 8, 2009. The electronic portal is designed to receive reports of “reportable foods,” as required by the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007.

“Reportable foods” are any food, feed, ingredient or pet food that a facility registered with FDA under the Bioterrorism Act has determined is capable of causing or has caused serious adverse health consequences or death in humans or animals. This requirement is being implemented nearly a year later than originally planned.

AFIA will host a webcast September 22, 2009 from 2-4:30 p.m. EDT to cover in more detail the impact of this process on certain AFIA members. The cost of registration to AFIA members is $199 for the early-bird rate (if registered by September 16), and $219 after that date. For non-members, the costs are $399 and $419, respectively.

The webcast will be hosted by AFIA Vice President of Feed Regulation and Nutrition Richard Sellers and AFIA legal counsel Bob Hahn, who has made several presentations to AFIA members on the Bioterrorism Act requirements.

CD copies of the webcast are included in the cost of the event, and the material may be copied and distributed to employees at other locations. The cost also includes a written compliance guide.

As with all AFIA webcasts, a question-and-answer period will follow the presentations, and these also will be included on the CD.

To register, please click here.

FDA has issued a question-and-answer guidance document. Click here for a copy.

For more information about this webcast, contact AFIA’s Veronica Pedrotty at