
Event News

CALL FOR PAPERS for Aquaculture America 2012 Special Session: Definition and measurement of performance traits related to diet and nutrition

Sponsored by: Plant Products in Aquafeed Working Group (PPA) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA)

Sponsored by:   Plant Products in Aquafeed Working Group (PPA)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA)
The rapid advances in nutrition, genetics and genomics have created opportunities for enhancing aquacultural performance and efficiency.  These opportunities can be fully exploited by : (1) defining key performance characteristics; and (2) identifying characteristics of  databases that allow integration and sharing of data from studies related to finfish nutrition. This Aquaculture America Special Session is devoted to further exploring these areas of research.
Papers are solicited that identify key performance measures particularly as they relate to improving tolerance to alternative feedstuffs;  or to nutritional genomics approaches that will lead to improved digestibility of aquafeeds. Fourteen (14) papers on performance traits connected to nutrition and metabolism will be selected for this Special Session.  Traits should relate nutrition to fish performance attributes such as growth, feed efficiency, and health or describe the state of the art regarding the ability to measure such attributes, and/or their relevant proxies.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts for this session is September 2nd.  This deadline is firm. For additional information, please contact Diane Bellis ._______________________________________________________________________