
Event News

European Aquaculture Society Events 2011: AQUA NOR FORUM 2011 & AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2011

The European Aquaculture Society (EAS) is organising two special events this year: AQUA NOR FORUM 2011: « Upscaling Aquaculture systems, Optimising system size for enhanced productivity with environmental equilibrium". Trondheim, Norway (August 17-18) and AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2011: « Mediterranean Aquaculture 2020 » Rhodes, Greece (October 18-21

European Aquaculture Society Events 2011: AQUA NOR FORUM 2011 & AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2011


Dear aquaculture colleague,

The European Aquaculture Society (EAS) is organising two special events this year, and we'd like you to be a part of them.

AQUA NOR FORUM 2011: « Upscaling Aquaculture systems, Optimising system size for enhanced productivity with environmental equilibrium". Trondheim, Norway (August 17-18)

The European Aquaculture Society (EAS) in cooperation with the Nor-Fishing Foundation, SINTEF and CREATE, organizes this forum, every second AQUA NOR in Trondheim. It provides a forum for science, industry, consumers and policy makers to review developments in the aquaculture sector and to discuss the key issues that affect those developments. The 2011 edition will focus one of the critical constraints to the development of aquaculture in Europe – notably access to sites with high and sustainable water quality to ensure high quality aquaculture products and limit the coastal impact. By up-scaling production systems an increase in productivity can be obtained for any specific site; but this must be compliant with legislation, fish welfare, husbandry and especially to the environmental impacts of increased production systems. Communications and discussions will discuss the applications of this concept to the following systems:

-   Upscaling land-based systems: water treatment in large scale systems; faeces removal; growth retardation and cohort interaction and non-native fish for local markets),

-   Upscaling marine cage production: cage and equipment design and monitoring of the biomass, including challenges in submergible cages; delivering feed and medication; farming intelligence and the ideal cage size)

-   Upscaling the ecological approach to production: challenges to the up-scaling of IMTA operations; ecological feed issues on substitution  for carnivorous species and the potential of seaweed culture).

More information and online registration (including hotel bookings) is now available - and if you intend to participate, be quick as hotel rooms go fast in the attractive city of Trondheim

– especially during Aqua Nor!

AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2011: « Mediterranean Aquaculture 2020 » Rhodes, Greece (October 18-21)

The conference, organized by EAS in cooperation with the Federation of Greek Maricultures (FGM), and Hellenic Centre for Marine research (HCMR) will address vital questions affecting the development of Mediterranean aquaculture over the next decade. It will provide reviews of the importance of aquaculture in EU food production; the sustainability of aquaculture feeds and the implementation of selective breeding strategies in aquaculture. A review of current EU-funded research programmes will highlight their relevance to the current and future production practices.  Aquaculture Europe 2011 will contribute to establish benchmarks for future research that will lead to a clear foresight of the development dynamics of Mediterranean aquaculture. As usual, the conference will include an international trade show, a Farmers day and a Student workshop. It will also provide a platform to showcase European initiatives in Aquaculture.

Online abstract submission is now open, and sessions open for abstract submission include: Sustainable feeds and feeding management; Reproduction and breeding; Hatchery production; Health management; Welfare management; Novel technologies; New species; Aquaculture engineering and technology; Tuna farming; Zebrafish and other laboratory fish models; Aquaculture and the consumer; Escapees; Energy efficiency; Aquaculture governance -policy and socio-economics; Aquaculture planning; Organic aquaculture; More than fish-use of aquaculture technologies for the production of products other than sea food (carbon capture, algae, bioactive compounds. Diverse freshwater aquaculture systems –including salmonids, cyprinids, cichlids acipenserids..; Alternative aquaculture -artificial reefs, restocking, sports and leisure…;Mollusc aquaculture.
So if you have results to share in any one of these areas, then please do submit your abstract. Deadline is April 15.

More detailed information on both of these events can be found at

I very much look forward to welcoming you in Trondheim in August and in Rhodes in October.

Alistair Lane, EAS Executive Director
European Aquaculture Society
Oostende, Belgium