
Event News

International Algae Congress - Hamburg, Germany

Phototropic aquaculture - Microalgae, Cyanobacteria & Microcrops

 International Algae Congress


Following the success of the International Algae Congress which took place in ‘t Westindisch Huis in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in December last year, the organisers APP, DLG e.V. and ESMB European Society of Microalgal Biotechnology are pleased to announce an international successor of this congress to take place in Hamburg later this year.




1 & 2 December 2009


Congress Venue:
Hotel Hafen
Hamburg, Germany

Programme;  Phototropic aquaculture - Microalgae, Cyanobacteria & Microcrops


Various kinds of topics will be discussed during the six congress sessions, such as biomass & biofuel, production & productivity, processing & downstreaming, material balances, integrated systems and the future potential of phototrophic aquaculture.

Sessions will be chaired by important authorities in the field of algae. During the sessions and breaks there will be sufficient time to interact and network with fellow professionals with whom one can exchange ideas and visions on the algae sector.



The following presenters amongst others have confirmed to speak during the International Algae Congress:

  • Mr. J. (Jens) Högel

    , Biotechnologies, Agriculture & Food, European Commission 
  • Prof. Dr. O. (Otto) Pulz, Institut für Getreideverarbeitung, Germany 
  • Mr. M. (Michael) Wimmer, Flottweg AG, Germany
  • Dr. ir. M. (Maria) Barbosa , Wageningen UR, AFSG Biobased Products, The Netherlands
  • Prof. Dr. S. Appelbaum, Ben-Gurion Univerity of the Negev (BIDR), Israel
  • Prof. Dr. L. ( Laurenz) Thomsen, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
  • Dr. P. (Peter) Ripplinger, Subitec GmbH, Germany
  • Mr. A. (Alexander) Piek, Westfalia Separator, Germany
  • Mr. R. (Rudolf) Hahlweg, IBAU, Germany
  • Dr. W.A. (Willem) Brandenburg, Wageningen UR IMARES, The Netherlands
  • Dr. D. (Dieter) Sell, DECHEMA,Germany
  • Dr. B. (Bernd) Kroon, Robian, Saudi Arabia
  • Prof. Dr. A. (Amos) Richmond, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

If you wish to register for the International Algae Congress or if you wish to receive additional information please send an email to

We hope to meet you on 1 & 2 December 2009 in Hamburg!