
Event News

Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 15 – Fortaleza, Brazil, November 16-19, 2015

This event includes the Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2015, Fenacam 2015, the South American Regional Aquaculture 2015, XII intl Shrimp Farming Symposium, IX International Aquaculture Symposium and the 3rd Tilapia Economic Forum
March 5, 2015

This event includes the Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2015, Fenacam 2015, the South American Regional Aquaculture 2015, XII intl Shrimp Farming Symposium, IX International Aquaculture Symposium and the 3rd Tilapia Economic Forum.

WAS will again team up with Fenacam 2015 for LACQUA15, the annual meeting of the Latin American & Caribbean Chapter and WAS Regional meeting, South American Regional Aquaculture 2015 (SARA15).

Find the program topics and more info in the brochure:, click LACQUA15 page. Submit your abstract in English. You can give your presentation in the language of your choice – English – Spanish – Portuguese.

For more info on the trade show and sponsorship contact