
Event News

SINGAPORE - Biofloc Technology Course, September 27-28, 2013 - Singapore

The course will be taught by one of the founders of Biofloc Technology, Professor (Emeritus) Yoram Avnimelech from the Israel Institute of Technology
July 24, 2013

Course Overview

Biofloc technology is a new approach to the sustainable production of shrimp and fish. Biofloc technology (BFT) is based upon the integration of the water, micro-biota of the water, feed and the target production. Water exchange is reduced to a minimum, feed is recycled in the system (feed expenses reduced), production rates are about 10 times higher than those of conventional systems and disease risks are reduced. The system allows for a more profitable production and is environmentally friendly.

Speaker Profile

Professor (Emeritus) Yoram Avnimelech from the Israel Institute of Technology is one of the founders of Biofloc Technology, heads the International Working Group on Biofloc Technology (BFT) and is a member of the Board of Directors of The Aquaculture Engineering Society, USA. Professor Avnimelech published more than 100 papers in refereed scientific journals, edited 4 books and had 34 graduate students toward the master and doctorate degrees. He is the author of the book \" Biofloc Technology - A Practical Guide Book \".

Who Should Attend

Farm managers, researchers, graduate students and people planning to take a role in advanced aquaculture are the target audience of the course.

The goal of this introductory course is to give to equip participants with the basic tools needed to start and operate a biofloc production system

For more Information, please contact Jimmy Lim, Venture Farms Pte Ltd or Professor Yoram Avnimelech