
Event News

The 1st European Percid Fish Culture (EPFC) Workshop, September 1, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic

The 1st European Percid Fish Culture (EPFC) workshop will take place September 1, 2012, at 14-19 PM in the North Hall of the Prague Congress Center, in close proximity to the AQUA2012 conference and trade show
May 23, 2012

The 1st European Percid Fish Culture (EPFC) workshop will take place September 1, 2012, at 14-19 PM in the North Hall of the Prague Congress Center, in close proximity to the AQUA2012 conference and trade show.

 The tentative workshop schedule features a key note presentation and three thematic sessions on:

1.       broodstock management and fingerling production

2.       ongrowing and nutrition

3.       marketing and training

In each theme session, a selection of short presentations from industry and research representatives will give an overview over the current state and will pave the floor for panel discussions and thematic surveys.

The scope of the workshop is to bring together percid fish aquaculture insiders and experts from continental Europe and other regions and to provide a basis for exchange on industry and research relevant topics.

The outcome of this workshop will be to:

-          recruit new members to the EPFC network of experts (thematic group within EAS),

-    highlight the latest findings from percid fish academic and industrial research,

-          identify future needs for research, development and innovation,

-     provide an easily accessible forum for exchange of knowledge, thoughts, materials, contacts, and many more, driven by the participants’ needs and interests,

-       give stakeholders the opportunity to steer research and policy by pointing out deficits and giving recommendations for improvement.

Registration for the workshop is mandatory. Send an email to NO LATER THAN August 1st to express your interest in participation. Participation in the workshop is free of charge for all registered participants of AQUA2012 and/or trade show visitors. Please refer to the EAS/WAS websites for conference and trade show registration formalities. Workshop language will be English.

For further information please refer to the EAS website and the group on LinkedIn. A detailled EPFC workshop announcement can be downloaded here.