

€9 million funding for Europe's marine biotech industries

A new Horizon 2020 programme, EMBRIC (European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster) kicked off a program of activities on June 1 that will put Europe’s blue bioeconomy agenda firmly on the map.

EMBRIC will spend €9 million over the next four years on marine biotechnology initiatives focussing on science, industry and regional development.
“We expect EMBRIC to create the essential scientific, commercial and social links that Europe needs to deliver substantial economic and scientific gain through marine biotechnology for years to come,” said Dr Tom Ashton of Xelect Ltd.
In particular, EMBRIC will put considerable effort into developing resources to selectively breed shellfish and finfish, particularly with a firm focus on commercial needs.
By enabling researchers to involve industry from the beginning of the experimental process, EMBRIC will accelerate translation by allowing companies to integrate results and protocols directly into commercial processes. The EMBRIC “Company Forum” will be open to anyone working in aquaculture, providing a platform for sharing and discussing results and fostering interaction amongst diverse stakeholders.