

After half a century, Auburn's Claude Boyd to 'retire'

Prolific researcher and writer Dr. Claude E. Boyd, 76, is officially retiring from Auburn after more than 50 years of studying, researching and teaching aquaculture, most of them at the Alabama institution. He will continue in his role for the next two years to see his five remaining graduate students through the program, so it’ll be a “soft” retirement for the hard-working Mississippi native.

Prolific researcher and writer Dr. Claude E. Boyd, 76, is officially retiring from Auburn after more than 50 years of studying, researching and teaching aquaculture, most of them at the Alabama institution. He will continue in his role for the next two years to see his five remaining graduate students through the program, so it’ll be a “soft” retirement for the hard-working Mississippi native.

“I never did do anything but work. I don’t know what else to do,” Boyd said in a heavy Southern accent that those who know him best say is one of his trademark features, along with an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

"He was a feared, revered, respected, entertaining and extraordinarily effective teacher. And the most prolific researcher in aquaculture".

Source: James Wright, The Global Aquaculture Advocate. Read the full story.