

Ananda Group Gets Four-Star BAP Certification

Ananda Group, headquartered in Bhimavaram, a coastal city in the state of Andhra Pradesh, recently received four-star Best Aquaculture Practice (BAP) certification for its hatcheries, farms, feeds and processing plants.

Ananda Group, headquartered in Bhimavaram, a coastal city in the state of Andhra Pradesh, recently received four-star Best Aquaculture Practice (BAP) certification for its hatcheries, farms, feeds and processing plants.

The group is a conglomerate of agro-based companies that farms, processes, markets and exports shrimp and prawns and produces shrimp feeds, as well as producing rice and poultry for Indian and international markets.

Its aquaculture activities are vertically integrated with a network of eight hatcheries, 500 hectares of shrimp and fish farms, feed mills for fish and shrimp with a capacity of 400 metric tonnes per day, and processing plants. It also produces polychaetes for use as broodstock feed and conducts biotechnology research.

Source: Shrimp News International. Read the full article here