

Anti-aquaculture movement ramps up attack with video

"The jig is up on this industry. Years of PR spin, political influence, and denial of science have led to this moment. Our wild salmon and everything that depends upon them are suffering unacceptably from the impacts of open cage salmon farming on our coast. It is time that we pull our collective heads out of the sand and say "enough is enough."

Anti-aquaculture movement ramps up attack with video

The following press release entitled "Fish Farm Aquaculture-cide"  - Aquacultural Revolution: Science vs. Salmon Farms by Damien Gillis is being circulated:

"The jig is up on this industry.  Years of PR spin, political influence, and denial of science have led to this moment. Our wild salmon and everything that depends upon them are suffering unacceptably from the impacts of open cage salmon farming on our coast. It is time that we pull our collective heads out of the sand and say "enough is enough."

Despite the unfortunate outcome of our recent provincial election (with the exception of the vast majority of coastal ridings that voted against the Campbell Government), we face an unprecedented window of opportunity to force the giant Norwegian corporations that dominate this industry to fundamentally change their business or leave our province and wild salmon alone.  A mountain of published science, a landmark legal victory, the assertion of indigenous title and rights, and a much-weakened industry - due to gross environmental mismanagement of their Chilean operations and the global economic downturn - have all contributed to this opportunity.
The future of wild salmon and the ecology and people of BC depend on us standing up together to demand the changes that science tells us we need to make before it's too late. We must choose between open cage salmon farms or wild salmon - and we must choose and act quickly. 
Please forward this video and message widely. 


Hello everyone,

Just forwarding my new short documentary film, "Aquacultural 
Revolution: The Scientific Case For Changing Salmon Farming."  The 
film was produced in BC over the past several months with Watershed 
Watch Salmon Society and support from Save Our Rivers Society.

You can watch the full 16 min version here:

Or the 5 min version here:

The film includes interviews with some of Canada's top fisheries scientists as well as aboriginal leaders fighting to protect wild  salmon from industrial open cage salmon farming on BC's coast.  
Featuring Alexandra Morton, Otto Langer, Drs. John Volpe and Gordon Hartman, as well as Chief Bob Chamberlain of the Broughton First  Nations.