

Aqua-Spark invests in Brazilian tilapia farm

The fund has invested in Fisher Piscicultura, a Brazilian tilapia farm that combines optimal farming location and an innovative cage system.
Aqua-Spark invests in Brazilian tilapia farm


Aqua-Spark announced an investment in Fisher Piscicultura (Fisher). Fisher is a Brazilian tilapia farm that combines optimal farming location and an innovative cage system with an experienced team that shares Aqua-Spark\'s vision for an environmentally responsible aquaculture industry.

Aqua-Spark is a primary investor in Fisher\'s latest round of funding. The investment will help expand the production capacity on the farm from 50 to 300 tons per month, using Fisher’s cage system to streamline and automate operations. Fisher is also in the process of developing an integrated production unit, which verticalizes the chain of fish farming and places cages, feed mill, processing plant, rendering plant, and infrastructure in a single site.

Founded in 2011, the Fisher team\'s expertise spans agribusiness, Brazilian electricity industry, and water management. Through Fisher\'s collective knowledge of fish farming and the Brazilian hydroelectric sector, they were the first company farming in the Aqua Vermelha reservoir, a man-made pond that\'s highly suitable for tilapia farming.

The company is known for its new cage system with integrated automatic feeders and hyper-efficient grading systems. The cages are made of aluminum, which makes them resistant and less vulnerable to adverse weather conditions and predators. The cages buoyancy system is made of recycled PET bottles. The system contributes to significantly decreased labor costs, improved animal welfare, increased growth and high production rates.

Alexandre Pulino, co-founder of Fisher, believes that innovation is key to the development of Brazilian aquaculture. “Brazil has all the requirements needed to become a world leader in aquaculture – water, feed ingredients, proper climate, and a large internal market. To make the best of our local conditions, we need to develop our own technology package as we did for other agri-industries. With the help of Aqua-Spark, we believe that in the near future our cage, in combination with integrated producers’ systems can become the leading technology of the Brazilian sector,” said Pulino.