

Aquaponics farm on track for first commercial harvest of Atlantic salmon from US RAS facility

Only one year after opening its flagship aquaponics facility specializing in leafy greens, Atlantic salmon, and Steelhead trout, Superior Fresh is on schedule to harvest its first fish next month. The flagship facility, located in Wisconsin, is the first Atlantic salmon recirculating aquaculture system in the United States. The facility contains a 40,000 sq. ft. fish house with the capacity to produce 160,000 lbs. of fish, and plans to harvest salmon and steelhead on a weekly basis.

Only one year after opening its flagship aquaponics facility specializing in leafy greens, Atlantic salmon, and Steelhead trout, Superior Fresh is on schedule to harvest its first fish next month.

The flagship facility, situated on a 720-acre property in the Coulee Region of Wisconsin, is the largest of its kind in the world, and is the first Atlantic salmon recirculating aquaculture system in the United States.

The facility contains a 40,000 sq. ft. fish house with the capacity to produce 160,000 lbs. of fish

The RAS system operates with zero discharge of production water, and instead irrigates leftover water to grow alfalfa for hay production.  All other wastes from the Superior Fresh fish house and greenhouse are composted on-site, creating a nutrient dense fertilizer for its own farm and other local farmers.

According to Superior Fresh president Brandon Gottsacker, the company was awarded the Monterey Bay’s green-ranking for its fish “right off the bat.\"

Once harvesting has begun, the RAS facility plans to harvest salmon and steelhead on a weekly basis.

The Wanek family, owners of US furniture outlet Ashley Furniture HomeStore, built the state-of-the-art greenhouse with an investment close to $100 million.

Learn more about Superior Fresh