

Aquasoja's new functional feed to boost fish health

Aquasoja developed ATIVIA that contains 100% natural-based functional ingredients that act synergistically and through multiple mechanisms on external and internal barriers like skin, gills and gastrointestinal tract.

Aquasoja's new functional feed to boost fish health

Aquasoja launched ATIVIA, a new line of feeds that aims at protecting saltwater and freshwater fish above 50 g from endo and ectoparasites and pathogenic bacteria.

Parasites and bacteria virulence are multifactorial processes that are related with the host/fish (e.g. immune status, stress condition, susceptible age), the environment (e.g. water temperature fluctuations, poor water quality, net cleaning, animal density) and with the pathogen itself (e.g. endemic or not, lack of diagnostic tools). The impact of these pathogens in farms is mainly economic due to direct mortality, morbidity, treatments costs, operational and labor costs, among others.

In order to mitigate and/or prevent the negative effects of parasites and pathogenic bacteria in fish, ATIVIA aims to reduce health risks (secondary infections), morbidity and the risk of horizontal contaminations, and improve immunocompetence and increase survival rates. 

ATIVIA contains 100% natural-based functional ingredients that act synergistically and through multiple mechanisms on external and internal barriers like skin, gills and gastrointestinal tract.

The new feed line is now available in the market.