

AUSTRALIA - Expression of Interest: Research Partner, Marine Aquaculture Research Lease, Port Stephens

Fisheries NSW is seeking Expressions of Interest from potential research partners interested in commercial finfish production. The Partner would have the demonstrated ability to construct and operate a fish farm and would be required to work closely with researchers

Fisheries NSW (NSW DPI) has been successful in gaining a Department of Planning & Infrastructure approval for the development of a 20 hectare aquaculture research lease off Port Stephens. The lease permits the site to be used for five years with up to eight floating sea cages.

The lease is intended to allow researchers at Port Stephens Fisheries Institute to investigate and develop new technologies for marine finfish species such as Yellowtail Kingfish and Mulloway. Key outcomes from the research would be proving species suitability, developing diets, validating equipment and technology, and conducting environmental monitoring.

Fisheries NSW is seeking Expressions of Interest from potential research partners interested in commercial finfish production. The Partner would have the demonstrated ability to construct and operate a fish farm and would be required to work closely with researchers.

For detailed information on the lease and its conditions of operation, visit:

For further information, contact Dr. Wayne O\'Connor, Research Leader Aquaculture: Ph.: (02) 4982 1232 or email:wayne.o\'