

AUSTRALIA - Fish feed study finds insects could improve aquaculture's environmental sustainability

A West Australian research program is using soldier fly pupae as feed for barramundi and rainbow trout diets in an attempt to lower the FCR rate for the fish. So far, results have shown that trout fed on a diet consisting wholly of soldier fly pupae had growth matching those eating fishmeal or combinations of both. In the next phase, the research group hopes to demonstrate that the nutritional benefits of the insect-based diets would outstrip feed produced using lupins and soybeans.

A West Australian research program using soldier fly pupae as fish feed could be a game changer for Australian aquaculture, according to one of the industry\'s leading scientists.

Craig Lawrence, an internationally acclaimed 25-year veteran currently running the WA Department of Fisheries\' freshwater research and hatchery, said a long-term soldier fly trial on barramundi and rainbow trout diets could deal with one of aquaculture\'s biggest problems; its use of more fish per kilogram than it actually produces.

Worth nearly $1 million in cash and resources, the research project comes after a ground-breaking six-week trial conducted by University of Western Australia (UWA) masters student Isobel Sewell.

The trial found trout fed on a diet consisting wholly of soldier fly pupae had growth matching those eating fish meal or combinations of both.

Dr. Lawrence said he was hopeful the expanded trial, funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, would show the nutritional benefits of the insect-based diets would outstrip feed produced using lupins and soy beans.

\"The important thing is to make sure they\'re the right fats, the right omega threes, the right omega sixes, because we want to be able to produce fish that not only grow well but also are healthy eating for people, and that\'s something that plant substitutes for fish meal fail to deliver.\"

Source: ABC News Australia // Original Article