

Bangkok conferences proceedings available

Proceedings from Aquafeed Horizons Asia and FIAAP Conferences, which took place on March 5 and 6, 2008 alongside Victam Asia 2008, are now available for purchase

Bangkok conferences proceedings available

Aquafeed Horizons Asia and FIAAP conferences, organized by along side Victam Asia and the first Feed Ingredients and Additives Asia Pacific (FIAAP) shows (March 5 and 6, 2008, Bangkok, Thailand) were a huge success.

Some 160 delegates registered for Aquafeed Horizons and the response was overwhelmingly positive, with many delegates keen to sign up for the next conference in the region.

"We are very happy with our association with Victam International", founder and president, Suzi Dominy said. "Our conferences and Victam's feed iindustry shows create a valuable package for participants and an unparalelled opportunity for learning about latest trends and technology".  "It is an association we hope to continue".

More than 200 delegates registered for the FIAAP conference and the organizers reluctantly turned people away at the door. "Unfortunately for safety reasons, we couldn't take any on-site registrations - the room was at capacity", Dominy said. Registration staff reported that although pre-registration had been available for almost a year, almost a hundred people tried to register at the door. "Some were very upset too!", Dominy said. "I hope next time they will pre-register".

For all those who were disappointed, has decided to make the proceedings available. Proceedings will be available for free in due course, but for those who want the information now, the presentations can be downloaded for a fee:

Aquafeed Horizons Asia or FIAAP Conference presentations: US$ 150each; or $250 for both sets.

The conference programs can be found at

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