

BioMar Group reports strong growth during first half of 2017

BioMar group has reported an increase in volumes and profits for the first half of 2017. According to the company\'s half-year report, BioMar sales volume was 28% higher than the same period last year, mainly driven by the salmon markets in Europe. BioMar expect to reach revenue of 9.8 billion DKK in 2017, which will be a record year for the company. At the same time BioMar is preparing for growth in new markets through acquisitions and green field projects.

BioMar group has reported an increase in volumes and profits for the first half of 2017. According to the company\'s half-year report, recently released by parent company Schouw & Co., BioMar sales volume was 28% higher than the same period last year, mainly driven by the salmon markets in Europe.  

New products integrating high performance, functional feeds and sustainability concepts have shown to be a strong platform for growth.

“We are proud that we have been able to create solid partnerships with customers as well as suppliers in our effort to develop the industry,\" stated Carlos Diaz, CEO in BioMar Group. \"We are right now taking major steps in improving our ability to design and document truly sustainable products together with the customers. We will in a short time be ready to launch our new tool Triple S (Sustainable Solution Steering) enabling us to enhance transparency and measure the sustainability of our products looking all the way up the value chain. At the same time we are striving to build a very strong pipeline for new innovative raw materials improving the sustainability of the industry.\" 

BioMar expect to reach revenue of 9.8 billion DKK in 2017, which will be a record year for the company. At the same time BioMar is preparing for growth in new markets through acquisitions and green field projects.