

BSE numbers falling in U.K.

The number of BSE cases in British cattle continues to fall at a rate of about 40% per year, a new government report shows; the government has requested Britain's BSE risk status be lowered

A Progress Report on Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies in Great Britain is published today. The Report shows that the number of BSE cases in domestic cattle continues to fall steeply, at a rate of about 40% per year.

The Report outlines the measures which have been taken to protect public health during 2003. It explains that these controls are continuing to have an important effect.

The Report also features Defra's application to the European Commission for the UK's High BSE Risk Status classification to be downgraded to Moderate Risk, a key step in seeking to re-open markets for beef exports. The Report outlines progress on the National Scrapie Plan as well as our continuing efforts to ensure compliance with the rules on specified risk material and animal feed.

Copies of the Report are available free of charge from Defra Publications

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