

Cargill developing new omega-3-rich Canola

A new type of canola in development by Cargill could give aquaculture farmers a more sustainable way to raise fish rich in EPA/DHA omega-3 fatty acids. In feeding trials it conducted with salmon in Chile, Cargill was able to completely replace fish oil in feed rations with oil from EPA/DHA canola. The new canola, which is genetically engineered to make long chain omega-3 fatty acids, will offer a more sustainable alternative as it eases pressure on finite marine resources. Testing and regulatory approval for both the canola and the EPA/DHA enhanced canola oil is underway. The EPA/DHA enhanced canola oil is expected to reach the market sometime after 2020.

A new type of canola in development by Cargill could give aquaculture farmers a more sustainable way to raise fish rich in EPA/DHA omega-3 fatty acids.

The plant-based source of the nutrients, developed in collaboration with BASF, could provide an alternative to using fish oil in aquaculture feed. In feeding trials it conducted with salmon in Chile, Cargill was able to completely replace fish oil in feed rations with oil from EPA/DHA canola.

\"As a fish feed producer, we need to reduce our dependency on marine resources,\" Einar Wathne, president of Cargill Aqua Nutrition. \"This new canola can create tremendous opportunities across the global food and feed markets, and we believe it is critical for the growth of aquaculture.\"

The new canola, which is genetically engineered to make long chain omega-3 fatty acids, will offer a more sustainable alternative as it eases pressure on finite marine resources. Testing and regulatory approval for both the canola and the EPA/DHA enhanced canola oil is underway. The EPA/DHA enhanced canola oil is expected to reach the market sometime after 2020.

\"Cargill\'s EPA/DHA omega-3 plant based product is the only one we know of with a clear path to commercialization in the industry,\" said Mark Christiansen, managing director for Global Edible Oil Solutions-Specialties at Cargill.

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