

Compassion of Andaman Shrimp Hatcheries Club for Hurricane Katrina Victims

In an open letter to, Mr. Taweesub Chuayjun, the Chairman of Andaman Shrimp Hatcheries Club, expressed sympathy for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. "We would like to encourage and give our hearts to them", he said.

In an open letter to, Mr. Taweesub  Chuayjun, the Chairman of Andaman Shrimp Hatcheries Club, expressed sympathy for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.  "We would like to encourage and give our hearts to them", he said.

“When the members of Andaman Shrimp Hatcheries Club and I  heard the terrible news about Hurricane Katrina that caused many deaths and extensive damage to the coastal regions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, we were concerned and have sympathy for victims", Mr. Taweesub  Chuayjun said.

"We are sorry for the American people, especially the victims and their families facing with such plight. 

“We, have seen news on television and other media, felt sadness and sympathy for victims so much. Although the occurrences of Hurricane Katrina and Tsunami are different, the results of these led to severe damage. Thus, we totally understand your feeling because we have always had similar experiences from natural disasters.  The victims not only lost the member of their families but also encountered misery and suffering.

"We, members of Andaman Shrimp Hatcheries Club, being victims of Tsunami, would like to say sorry to American people and their government for the plight of Hurricane Katrina. However, we have nothing to give because we have been sufferings from the impact of Tsunami. Hence, we would like to encourage all American victims and their families by offering prayers and giving our hearts. Moreover, we will pray for them to be helped and supported immediately from American government in time.” Mr. Taweesub said.