

Cooke acquires Skretting feed mill in Scotland

Cooke Inc. acquired the Skretting's fish feed mill in Invergordon, Scotland, establishing the Northeast Nutrition Scotland Limited. The acquisition follows the Skretting’s announcement in November 2018 to cease manufacturing activities in the UK.

Cooke acquires Skretting feed mill in Scotland

Cooke Inc. has acquired the Skretting fish feed mill in Invergordon, Scotland, establishing the Northeast Nutrition Scotland Limited. The mill facility is located at Inverbreakie Industrial Estate and had previously produced fish feed for aquaculture companies in Scotland. Northeast Nutrition Scotland Limited will manufacture salmon feed for Cooke Aquaculture Scotland Limited facilities in the Shetland and Orkney Islands, as well as the United Kingdom’s mainland.

“All of our salmon is reared using feeds that are manufactured in compliance with the highest standards for animal feed safety,” said Glenn Cooke, CEO of Cooke Inc. “We are excited to include domestic feed manufacturing in Scotland, adding to the vertical integration of our operations and further enhancing the full traceability of our fish.”

Skretting announced in November 2018 its plans to cease manufacturing activities in the United Kingdom, and it closed the Invergordon facility at the end of April 2019. Cooke plans to work with former employees who were affected by the closure to resume operations at the mill. “We are thrilled to be in a position to offer new opportunities to those employees and have an engaged and experienced team in place from day one,” said Chris Bryden, mill manager.  “As a rural coastal community, Invergordon has a population of approximately 4,000 residents. Joining the Cooke family of companies provides us with the opportunity to keep Scottish jobs and be an important part of a globally respected growing seafood leader,” expressed Bryden.

Cooke Aquaculture Scotland and Cooke’s feed division and feed suppliers employ teams of professionals in fish nutrition, feed manufacture, fish feeding behavior, fish health management, farm management and information technology that oversee every aspect of feed supply and delivery. The company’s commitment to sustainably sourced feed ingredients, ongoing improvements to feed formulations and innovations in feed delivery allow the company to produce healthy fish for its customers.