

Corey Feed Mills firm helps fund aquaculture training tool

Corey Feed Mills is providing an initial $1,000 for a new online training tool being developed for the aquaculture training program at the St. Andrews campus of the New Brunswick Community College, Canada

Corey Feed Mills firm helps fund aquaculture training tool

Corey Feed Mills is providing an initial $1,000 for a new online training tool being developed for the aquaculture training program at the St. Andrews campus of the New Brunswick Community College, Canada.

Company president Lee Corey said he's happy to support a program that allows students to learn the operational management of a fish farm facility without leaving the classroom.

The online fish feeding simulation program, which will be available in the spring, allows students to feed virtual fish according to Corey aqua feed charts. Students can adjust feeding schedules to optimize the growth of the fish. Overfeeding or underfeeding will effect the growth rates, health and profitability of the virtual reality fish farm. As the fish grow, periodic calculations will tell students how their fish are performing in relation to their health status and environmental conditions.

Source: New Brunswisk Business Journal