

CPF feedmills and shrimp hatcheries awarded

CP Foods’ received a total of 20 outstanding awards for Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment from Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour. The national awards are given annually to workplaces with exceptional safety performance as well as having clear and proactive measures to prevent accident in operations.

CPF feedmills and shrimp hatcheries awarded

CP Foods’ received a total of 20 outstanding awards for Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment from Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour. The national awards are given annually to workplaces with exceptional safety performance as well as having clear and proactive measures to prevent accident in operations.

Labor Protection and Welfare Department Director General Wiwat Tanhong presented the awards to 18 CP Foods’ operations, including 9 feed mills, 2 food processing plants as well as seven farms and shrimp hatcheries.

In addition, the company also won two outstanding safety officer awards from Tha Bon shrimp hatchery and Then Kasem feed mill.