

CSREES National Integrated Food Safety Initiative

U.S. applicants are sought for integrated research, education, and extension that address a broad spectrum of food safety concerns

CSREES National Integrated Food Safety Initiative
The purpose of the CSREES National Integrated Food Safety Initiative is to support food safety projects that demonstrate an integrated approach to solving problems in applied food safety research, education, or extension.

This CSREES integrated program has in the past funded projects related to aquatic food production, processing, and other issues related to these aquatic food products.

The National Integrated Food Safety Initiative requests integrated research, education, and extension applications that address a broad spectrum of food safety concerns – from on-farm production, post-harvest processing, and distribution, to food selection, preparation, and consumption. Various models for integration of applied research, education, and extension will be considered for funding. Applications describing multi-state, multi-institutional, multidisciplinary, and multifunctional activities (and combinations thereof) are encouraged.

A single university may apply for a grant, but the university must demonstrate significant collaboration with various agencies or organizations within the host state. Applicants are strongly encouraged to assemble project teams that include those with expertise in research, extension, and/or education. All members of the project team should be involved in the development and writing of the application

The National Integrated Food Safety Initiative creates opportunities for new collaborations between individuals and institutions in an effort to address problems in new ways and/or improve communication with high risk, under-served, or hard-to-reach audiences. In order to fully realize these potential benefits, CSREES strongly encourages applicants to develop applications describing integrated activities that include collaboration with 1890 Land-Grant Institutions, 1994 Land-Grant Institutions, Hispanic-serving institutions, and/or other institutions that serve high risk, under-served, or hard-to-reach populations.

Collaborations with local, state, and/or Federal governments, professional associations, public or private organizations, and/or international entities are also strongly encouraged.

Deadline: January 11, 2008 with Letters of Intent for Special Emphasis Grants due by December 7, 2007

The complete October 23, 2007 USDA CSREES document, titled "Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program – National Integrated Food Safety Initiative; FY 2008 Request for Applications" 

Questions may be directed to Dr. Jan Singleton; National Program Leader; Food Science and Food Safety; Plant and Animal Systems Unit; USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service in Washington, DC at 202 401 1954; fax: 202 401 9862; e-mail: