

EU endorsement of FEFAC/COPA-COGECA Code of Good Labelling Practice

Together with Copa-Cogeca, the EU Feed Manufacturers Federation FEFAC announced the publication and endorsement by the EU Commission of their EU code of good labelling practice for compound feed for food producing animals. The Code was jointly developed by Copa-Cogeca and FEFAC to clarify requirements set out in the EU feed labelling regulation and give practical advice to compound feed manufacturers on how to draw up a label and to farmers so that they have all the right information to make informed choices and can use the product correctly.

Together with Copa-Cogeca, the EU Feed Manufacturers Federation FEFAC announced the publication and endorsement by the EU Commission of their EU code of good labelling practice for compound feed for food producing animals.

The Code was jointly developed by Copa-Cogeca and FEFAC to clarify requirements set out in the EU feed labelling regulation and give practical advice to compound feed manufacturers on how to draw up a label and to farmers so that they have all the right information to make informed choices and can use the product correctly.

The Code aims to harmonise practices across Member States to make life easier for farmers, agri-cooperatives and feed manufacturers. Its official endorsement by the EU Commission was published in Official Journal C275, receiving also strong support from Member States in the EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF). 

Copa-Cogeca Secretary-General Pekka Pesonen stated: “European farmers, agri‑cooperatives and feed manufacturers have worked hard together to develop this, drawing on our skills and expertise, to ensure that information essential for farmers is appropriately displayed on the label. We are very happy to contribute to a greater level of harmonisation and understanding on how best to apply the feed labelling rules at EU level”.

Alexander Döring, Secretary-General of FEFAC, went on to underline the importance of the section on claims in the Code. “This section outlines a harmonized set of requirements vis a vis the nature of the claims that are permitted or prohibited as well as guidance for the substantiation of claims. This is a major step towards more transparency in the feed chain and will favour innovation”.

Learn more about the Code