

EU - European Food Safety Authority reconfirms safety of KDF

Re-evaluation of the safety and efficacy of potassium diformate when used as a preservative for raw fish and fish by-products for feed use concludes original approval should stand

Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of potassium diformate (KDF preservative) when used as a preservative for raw fish and fish by-products for feed use in all animal species. The applicant has applied for the re-evaluation of the product under the same conditions as currently authorized.

EFSA issued an opinion on the safety and efficacy of KDF preservative when used for this purpose in 2004. The FEEDAP Panel concluded that the additive (i) is safe for the target species, the consumer and the environment when used under the proposed conditions, (ii) is an eye irritant and (iii) has the potential to increase the storage time of raw fish and fish by-products for feed use, in a dose-dependent manner at low temperature.

The FEEDAP Panel is not aware of any new information that would lead it to reconsider its former position.