

E.U. - FAMI-QS and GMP+ International move ahead with MOU

Reflecting the importance of third party certification in the global feed chain, FAMI-QS and GMP+ International established a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) March 1, 2013. The aim is to facilitate the world feed trade by eliminating technical barriers, without jeopardizing feed safety at any point
March 6, 2013

Reflecting the importance of third party certification in the global feed chain,  FAMI-QS and GMP+ International established a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) March 1, 2013. The aim is to facilitate the world feed trade by eliminating technical barriers, without jeopardizing feed safety at any point.

This MoU is based on the trust between FAMI-QS and GMP+ International, which has been reached since the first mutual recognition signed May 19, 2006; and continues with the assessment of the two schemes’ certification results and operations.

The Objectives of this MoU are:

To ensure equivalence for the conformity assessment results. This will allow participants to buy from operators who are certified under the other scheme.

To provide technical assistance in EU and Third Countries for feed safety.

To promote the accreditation activities at both EU and Global Level.

To open and maintain channels for the interchange of information and knowledge.

To provide commitment to EU Competition Law.

To commit to the agreement of the W.T.O. on Technical Barriers to Trade.

The scope of the agreement comprises the production and trade of feed products covered by the two schemes. Those, certified under the FAMI-QS scheme, are accepted within the GMP+ FC scheme, and vice versa. For details about implementation of this part of the MoU, this is referred to the relevant scheme documents (GMP+ BA10 and FAMI_QS Certification instruction), which will be updated as soon as possible.

Next to the acceptance of each other’s certificates, FAMI-QS and GMP+ International have agreed to work together, especially on topics like accreditation, harmonization of schemes and promotion of feed safety assurance all around the world. Under the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding, FAMI-QS and GMP will also launch a global benchmark exercise.

The agreement is based on ISO/IEC guide 68 ‘Arrangements for the recognition and acceptance of conformity assessment results’. By following this guide, both organizations expect to increase confidence, trust, recognition and acceptance globally.

For questions regarding the implementation of this Memorandum of understanding, please contact:

For FAMI-QS: Emmanuel Geneiatakis, Quality Manager

For GMP+ International: Dik Wolters, Project Manager