

EU - Final Public Consultation on Feed PEFCR launched

The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) is a multi-criteria measurement of the environmental performance of any kind of product throughout its life cycle. The Feed PEF Pilot prescribes the specific product category methodological requirements (PEFCR) for the production of feed for food-producing animals. The draft Feed PEFCR is now available for download.

The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) is a multi-criteria measurement of the environmental performance of any kind of product throughout its life cycle.  The Feed PEF Pilot prescribes the specific product category methodological requirements (PEFCR) for the production of feed for food-producing animals.

The Feed PEFCR means to set out the measurement rules and data quality requirements for the calculation of the environmental footprint of feed production, which will be a vital element in calculating the environmental performance of animal products.

For the methodology, reference is made to the FAO LEAP(Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance) Partnership Guidelines. In January 2016, FEFAC already announced that the PEF can take advantage of the work done with the GFLI (Global Feed LCA Institute) as regards a free, compliant database.

The draft Feed PEFCR is available for download on the stakeholder workspace of the Feed pilot project. This is also where the comments of the public consultation need to be uploaded, using the corresponding template. Registration as a stakeholder is necessary, and all comments received will be made publicly available.

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