

EUFETEC Officially launched

The EUropean FEed TEchnology Center will support EU feed innovation
September 17, 2008

EUFETEC Officially launched

The EUropean FEed TEchnology Center, EUFETEC, was launched officially September 2008 15, 2008. In the presence of the Minister-President of Flanders, Mr Peeters, and a representative of the cabinet of Minister Laruelle, Federal Minister of SME, Selfemployment, Agriculture and Science Policy, the inaugural act was signed by the different international partners.

Various challenges lay ahead for the European feed industry. By taking up these challenges and by identifying opportunities EUFETEC can increase the sector’s competitiveness. In that way the sector can continue to play its essential role for the supply of animal food products that fully meet the various expectations of the consumer (quality, safety, affordability & health) and the social expectations of the citizens (environment, sustainability).

EUFETEC’s mission is to support feed sector-bound and sector-steered technological innovation through:
-harmonized, innovative research;
-development of practical guidelines and organizing training;
-setting up service provision to help the companies with practical implementation.

A questionnaire was conducted in different European countries to identify the key priorities for producers of (feed) additives, premixtures and compound feed. With respect to feed and food quality and safety, cross contamination and residues of certain molecules (such as coccidiostats) in meat, milk and eggs are a research priority for the European feed industry.

The evolution of energy and feed material prices will encourage the feed industry to increase energy management and use of alternative feed ingredients as a protein source (e.g valorisation of byproducts).

For training and service provision, attention will certainly have to be given to employee occupational health and dust explosion.

The international partners of EUFETEC are:
1) Representatives of the feed industry: BEMEFA (Compound Feed Industry Association - Belgium), FRANA (Feed Additive Federation - Belgium) / FEFANA (European Feed Additives & Premixtures Association), CESFAC (Compound Feed Industry Association - Spain)

2)       Representatives of the academic community: AUGent (University Association Ghent - Belgium) / ILVO (Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research – Belgium), Wageningen University and Research Centre (The Netherlands), Sacred Heart Catholic University of Piacenza (Institute of Food Science and Nutrition - Italy) and University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)

3)       Representatives of research centres: Tecaliman (Centre Technique de l’Alimentation Animale – France), IFF (International Research Association of Feed Technology – Germany)

FEFAC, the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation, is the key observer.