

Europe moves to free trade agreements with Mercosur

The European Free Trade Association (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein) concluded negotiations on a free trade agreement with Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay).

The European Free Trade Association (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein) concluded negotiations on a free trade agreement with Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay).

After ten rounds of negotiations, EFTA and Mercosur have reached agreement. Certain minor issues remain to be resolved in the near future. Earlier this summer, the European Union signed an agreement too with Mercosur that awaits ratification in the EU countries.

‘For the seafood industry, the free trade agreement means an elimination of customs’ duties after dismantling periods, and a reduction in sanitary and phytosanitary requirements on seafood exports to Mercosur. I hope the agreement will open the door for trade in new seafood products, such as Norwegian salmon, to the South American market,’ said Norway’s Minister of Fisheries, Harald T. Nesvik.