

European Community Register of Feed Additives published

The European Community has published for the first time a Community Register of Feed Additives. The register is available as a downloadable PDF file on-line.

The European Community on November 7, 2005 published for the first time a Community Register of Feed Additives.

Each entry in the Register includes an identification of the additive and its categorization according to the authorisation, the date on which the product was first entered in the Register and, where applicable, the expiry date of the existing authorization. The Register also contains the reference to the relevant Community act(s) granting the authorization(s) for the additive.

These Community acts contain all the particulars included in the authorization such as:
a) the designation of the additive and other elements relevant to the identification of the additive (Community registration or identification number, chemical description or formula, authorization holder if applicable), b) the conditions of use: such as animal species or categories, maximum and/or minimum contents in complete feedingstuffs, specific other provisions, c) the dates of applicability of the authorisation, and, where applicable, the expiry date of the authorisation.

The authorizing act contains also references to specifications; methods of analysis, specific conditions or restrictions in relation to handling, post-market monitoring requirements, specific additional requirements for the labelling of the feed additive if necessary or Maximum Residues Limits (MRLs) in the relevant foodstuffs of animal origin where appropriate.

The register is available as a PDF file. Download here