

EWOS and the Odd Berg Group join forces to develop marine larval feeds

EWOS and the Odd Berg Group have established a co-operative agreement that the companies say will result in an international breakthrough in the production of marine feed for fry and larva.

EWOS and the Odd Berg Group have established a co-operative agreement that the companies say will result in an international breakthrough in the production of marine feed for fry and larva.

"One of our clear objectives is to become a major global supplier of feed types that cater for the start phase of intensive farming of marine species – both nationally and internationally", explains EWOS' international co-ordinator, Einar Wathne.

Co-operation between EWOS and the Odd Berg Group (OBG) will initially take the form of common technological development and a sales and marketing agreement that makes EWOS responsible for the worldwide distribution of AgloNorse.

"An important pre-requisite for the continued development of marine farming is that it is possible to replace live feed with formulated marine feed for fry and larva. This is where EWOS, through EWOS Innovation, and the Odd Berg Group, through its subsidiary Eximo AS, now have both the expertise and the technology to make such industrial production possible", explains Managing Director Tore Andreassen at OBG.

He does not hide the fact that this co-operative agreement opens up some very exciting prospects for the future. "The development of industrial farming of marine species is just starting in Norway and the future Norwegian market is expected to be extremely big. In addition, there is already a very large international market for the methods on which EWOS' and OBG's collaboration is based", says Managing Director Tore Andreassen.

In order to achieve the best possible competitive position for themselves, the partners have chosen to establish a long-term and binding relationship that, among other things, will ensure a quick continued development of production. Both companies are currently in possession of extensive R&D expertise and important practical experience with regard to the industrial production of feed for marine species. Andreassen and Wathne are excited by the fact that Norwegian-developed technology and expertise are now forming the basis for an international focus. They both have a positive attitude to the possibility of co-operating with other parties in the future.

AgloNorse and PROMAL
The industrially produced marine feed for fry and larva will be based on the products AgloNorse and PROMAL.

AgloNorse is a marine feed for fry and larva developed by the Norwegian Herring Oil and Meal Industry Research Institute (SSF). The company, Norsildmel Innovation, has been responsible for marketing AgloNorse, but now OBG has taken over the rights to the technology, patents and trademark.

PROMAL is a patented and industrially produced feed under development at EWOS Innovation AS. This feed is primarily designed to complement and gradually replace expensive living feed that is currently limiting the industrialization potential for marine species.

EWOS is currently an international leader within the production and sale of fish feed, with a turnover of NOK 5 billion. The company has 250 employees in Norway and its head office is in Bergen. The associated company, EWOS Innovation, with 65 employees, controls its extensive research and development work from its main base in Dirdal outside Stavanger.

The Odd Berg Group (OBG) has always been involved in activities connected to the sea. The Group has a long tradition in both shipping and fish processing. Today, its main activities include the production of ready-mixed concrete, the production of meal and oil from capelin and herring, a travel agency and property business. In recent years OBG has also been involved in telemedicine, biotechnology and laboratory activities. Its subsidiary, Eximo AS, was established for the production of marine DNA and marine phosphor-lipides based on roe and milk from herring and coalfish. The Group currently has 61 employees.