

EWOS Fish Health Center Introduced at Seminar (+video)

EWOS launched the EWOS Fish Health Center at a seminar for invited guests at the North Atlantic Seafood Forum, on Thursday, March 5th.The attendees got an introduction to EWOS efforts in fish health, and details about the new Fish Health Center which is already under construction.

"It’s with great pleasure and pride I’m standing here today presenting the largest private investment in aquaculture R&D and fish health ever", said EWOS Innovation director Adel El-Mowafi when presenting the EWOS Fish Health Center at NASF, March 5th.

The biggest challenge

"We have one challenge that far exceeds everything else, and that is fish health", said Adel at the presentation. He is very pleased about the EWOS board investing more than NOK 80 million (US$10,5 million) in this new research center being located in the Los Lagos-region in Chile.

"EWOS has a long history of brave and important research investments. In 1996 we invested NOK 20 millions (about US$2,7 million) in the feed technology center in Dirdal. Now these two research facilities in Norway and Chile will complement each other, and will cooperate on research projects together with customers and universities worldwide".

Largest investment ever

Development Manager Sigurd Tonheim and Marketing Director Ian Carr were in charge of the presentation together with Adel El-Mowafi. Afterwards, they received many questions from and interested audience who wanted to know more about this investment in Chile.

"EWOS will now be able to perform four to five times more studies per year. This new fish health center enables a 30% increase in the the global research on fish health", said Adel.