

Feed crisis averted

IFFO, the international marine ingredients organisation, has expressed relief that Peru’s second anchovy season has finally been declared open.

There has been widespread concern amongst feed companies and salmon producers that a stronger than average El Niño had the potential to eradicate the second anchovy season and thus drive fishmeal, fish oil and feed prices upwards.

However, the announcement last week by the Peruvian authorities that over one million tonnes of anchovies could be harvested, was met with great relief, although experts warned that catching the quota could prove challenging.

Speaking to Fish Farming Expert, IFFO’s chairman Dr Andrew Jackson said:
“With regard to the latest announcement obviously we are pleased and relieved that, after taking three separate measurements in recent months of the anchovy biomass, IMARPE were able to recommend the opening of the fishery.

“Clearly the current environmental conditions have made accurate biomass assessments very difficult and for a while it looked like the scientists might recommend not opening the fishery at all. Fortunately the finding that there was an estimated biomass of over 6 million tonnes means that they could set a Total Allowable Catch of up to 1.11 million tonnes. Clearly IMARPE will continue to monitor the situation and past experience would lead us to expect that the fish may not be in their usual dense shoals, and that this can make fishing difficult. We will therefore be watching the situation closely and informing our members of any developments.”

Source: Rob Fletcher, Fish Farming Expert. Read the full article here.