

Feed Manufacturing Short Course Module Three: Advanced Pelleting Concepts

Module Three – Advanced Pelleting Concepts is the next segment of the Feed Manufacturing Short Course to be offered by Kansas State University and AFIA, Aug. 8-11, 2006, at the International Grains Program Complex on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan, Kansas

Module Three – Advanced Pelleting Concepts is the next segment of the Feed Manufacturing Short Course to be offered by Kansas State University and AFIA, Aug. 8-11, 2006, at the International Grains Program Complex on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan, Kansas.

This module provides participants with an in-depth understanding of the conditioning and pelleting process and system design, steam generation, steam systems, and factors affecting pellet quality and production.

KSU and AFIA have conducted Feed Manufacturing Short Courses biennially since 1976. The course was originally designed to address essentially all aspects of feed manufacturing. As a result of this broad format, completion of the course required nearly two weeks.

To minimize the participants’ time away from their jobs and to incorporate new information, the Short Course is now being offered as a series of 2-4 day modules, each focusing on specific aspects of feed manufacturing and the feed industry.

The modules utilize a unique blend of industry professionals and university faculty with vast technical knowledge and experience to teach the science of manufacturing quality feeds and improving profitability. The final module will focus on Advanced Feed Mill Management. It will provide guides to managing employees, handling production logistics and efficiency, and addresses regulatory issues.

Enrollment information for Module Three is available through the American Feed Industry Association or by contacting: Leland McKinney, Program Coordinator, Department of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University: