

FEFANA Consortia records 100% success with feed additives reauthorization deadline

Vast majority of additives used in the EU feed industry will stay

FEFANA Consortia records 100% success with feed additives reauthorization deadline

Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 stipulates that feed additives previously authorized under Directive 70/524/EEC required re-authorization. The deadline for submitting application dossiers was fixed at 8 November 2010; only those meeting this deadline will continue to remain on the market until they are re-assessed and re-authorized. FEFANA reports that all the dossiers prepared within the Consortia established and managed by FEFANA have been submitted in due time. This assures the maintenance on the EU market of a vast majority of additives used in the EU feed industry.

With the emergence of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003, and the requirement for all feed additives previously authorised under Directive 70/524/EEC (including amino acids, urea and silage inoculants) to be re-assessed, one of the main feed industry’s challenges had been the development and compilation of quality dossiers in due time to meet the set deadline. FEFANA has made it less difficult to overcome this challenge by encouraging the creation of and supporting 10 Consortia, each representing certain specific feed additive functional groups. Excellent cooperation has been established with the European Commission, CRL (Community Reference Laboratory), and EFSA in order to establish appropriate routes and tools to administer the process in an efficient way.

Overall, the 10 Consortia have submitted 111 application dossiers that, through grouping of applications, cover more than 1000 individual additives. Those dossiers deal with all non-holder specific additives categories, including the nutritional, technological and sensory ones, with the
culmination that over 1000 feed additives will now continue to remain on the market after the deadline. This indeed is some resounding success which would not have been possible without the commitment and hard work of FEFANA’s Management, its Member companies and allies from the supply and user industries. In achieving this, the FEFANA Member companies and those who have joined the teams have shown their commitment to serve the feed chain and assure the availability of feed additives for the industry and operators who need them. Competition and differences were for once set aside while company actors channelled their energy towards the gigantic workload and tight schedules to achieve their common goals. This is probably the first of such successes with regards to dossier submissions in Europe and it is highly commendable.

The FEFANA Consortia are now organising themselves in order to be up to the next steps of the reauthorisation process, which will include risk assessment of the dossiers and final authorisations of the submitted products. FEFANA expects timely and proportionate response from the risk assessors in order to bring this process to a fairly transparent and straightforward end. Those who might wish to join the Consortia in order to pursue the work done and assure permanence of their products are still invited to contact FEFANA.

More information on FEFANA Consortia.