

FEFANA publishes EU Code of Practice on claims for feed additives and premixtures

FEFANA has published its “EU Code of practice on voluntary labelling particulars (claims) for feed additives and premixtures.” FEFANA has developed its Code in order to achieve a common approach amongst Feed Business Operators (FBOs), which can also be recognized by the authorities, to foster transparency, fair competition and predictability. “Our FEFANA EU Code of Practice illustrates best industry practice for the management of voluntary labelling particulars for feed additives and premixtures to achieve clear and harmonized information to product users.\"

FEFANA has published its “EU Code of practice on voluntary labelling particulars (claims) for feed additives and premixtures.” 

FEFANA has developed its Code in order to achieve a common approach amongst Feed Business Operators (FBOs), which can also be recognized by the authorities, to foster transparency, fair competition and predictability. Claims on feed additives and premixtures are a common practice in the feed sector even though they are not referred to in Regulation (EC) 1831/2003 on additives for use in animal nutrition. 

In order to ensure alignment along the European feed chain, FEFANA has taken into account other relevant codes of practice already in use; notably the “Code of good practice for the labelling of compound feed for food producing animals” developed jointly by FEFAC and Copa-Cogeca, and the “Code of good labelling practice for pet food” developed by FEDIAF. Complementarily to these documents, the FEFANA Code intends to improve the appropriateness of labeling and to bring a common understanding with regard to the rules applicable to voluntary labeling of feed additives and premixtures. 

“Our FEFANA EU Code of Practice illustrates best industry practice for the management of voluntary labeling particulars for feed additives and premixtures to achieve clear and harmonized information to product users,\" explained Gerritjan van der Ven, FEFANA President. \"FEFANA promotes its application across the industry for a transparent and predictable environment, as well as a fair level playing field for the whole supply chain.\"

FEFANA members and interested bodies can apply the FEFANA EU Code of practice on voluntary labeling particulars (claims) for feed additives and premixtures, which can be found here