

Fooled again: Journalists with short memories

On Tuesday, November 9th, another sea lice study was released. Same stuff from the same folks. You know the story by now: sea lice from farmed salmon apparently wreaking havoc on wild salmon ...

Fooled again: Journalists with short memories

From Positive Aquaculture Awareness: On Tuesday, November 9th, another sea lice study was released. Same stuff from the same folks. You know the story by now: sea lice from farmed salmon apparently wreaking havoc on wild salmon. Yesterday, we blogged about how these same "scientists" are quite slick at making data agree with their preconceived ideas. But even more disturbing than a few biased activists posing as credible researchers, may be the easily manipulated media folk that get played, every time. Wow, these guys have short memories... Read more at:
Link to the PAA Blog: John Reynolds and his fishy sea lice science