

IFFO RS Fisheries Improvers Program Acceptance Mechanism ready for public consultation

In order to allow recognition of other Standards and become aligned with current internationally recognized Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) guidelines, IFFO RS has proposed to review and refine the IFFO RS Fisheries Improvers Program Acceptance Mechanism. The full draft of the IFFO RS Fisheries Improvers Program Acceptance Mechanism is ready for public consultation via the IFFO website for a period of 30 days beginning September 19, 2017. The purpose of this public consultation is to obtain input from a wide range of stakeholders. It is hoped that this mechanism will promote the path towards responsible supply of Marine Ingredients and provide clear and useful guidance to those who do not currently meet the IFFO RS requirements and wish to become IFFO RS certified in the future.

In order to allow recognition of other Standards and become aligned with current internationally recognized Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) guidelines, IFFO RS Ltd. has proposed to review and refine the IFFO RS Fisheries Improvers Program Acceptance Mechanism to support organizations through a structured improvement process. The full draft of the IFFO RS Fisheries Improvers Program Acceptance Mechanism is ready for public consultation via the IFFO website for a period of 30 days beginning September 19, 2017.

To continue with the development of the Fisheries Improvers Program Acceptance Mechanism, IFFO RS Ltd. has produced a draft of the full Acceptance procedures that consists of requirements, assessment methodology, potential outcomes and other relevant measures. A public consultation feedback submission form (excel format) has been produced in order to provide a user friendly way for stakeholders and other interested parties to provide feedback on the development. The purpose of this public consultation is to obtain input from a wide range of stakeholders and interested parties on the proposed mechanism and to inform about the continuing development of the IFFO RS Fisheries Improvers Program.

Much of the development of the Acceptance Mechanism is to bring the Improvers Program in line with accepted FIP guidelines and allow recognition of other Standards. It is hoped that this mechanism will promote the path towards responsible supply of Marine Ingredients and provide clear and useful guidance to those who do not currently meet the IFFO RS requirements and wish to become IFFO RS certified in the future.

“IFFO RS’s main objective is to improve the global responsibility of sourcing and production of marine ingredients, and to help with this cause, IFFO RS is strengthening its IFFO RS IP fishery procedures to allow recognition by internationally well-known guidelines and standards,\" explained Francisco Aldon, Head of Operations at IFFO RS. \"We therefore, welcome and encourage any comments or feedback regarding the revised IP Fishery Acceptance procedures, which are the first steps towards positive developments to drive responsible behavior leading the path to sustainability for the future.”

Find out more about the IFFO RS Improvers Program