

Indonesia new fish feed factory for a more affordable industry

A fish feed factory built in Pangandaran, West Java, with a production capacity of 3,450 tons per year.

The ministry's Director General of Aquaculture, Slamet Soebjakto, had announced that a medium-scale fish feed factory built in Pangandaran, West Java, is ready to commence operations in 2019.

According to local news, the plant is expected to meet the demand of fish feed for farmers in the eastern Priangan area. It is designed to produce floating feed with a production capacity of 1 – 1.2 tons per hour and 3,450 tons per year. 

Marine and Fisheries Affairs Minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, highlighted that the dependency on big corporations for fish feed production is one of the critical factors hindering the development of the Indonesian aquaculture industry.

"We will ensure that the feed price is affordable, and its quality is maintained. The existence of the medium-scale feed factory is expected to meet the demand of fish farmers and cut production cost by at least 30 percent," Soebjakto added.