

Indonesia to increase sustainable shrimp farming

The country designed a road map for the development of sustainable shrimp farming that aims to increase shrimp exports by 250%.

Indonesia to increase sustainable shrimp farming

The Indonesian Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry plans to develop Sukabumi District in West Java as a model for sustainable shrimp farming in Indonesia. The ministry's Director General of Aquaculture, Slamet Soebijakto, said that the development of sustainable shrimp farming hopes to increase shrimp export by 250% in 2024.

Shrimp is the largest contributor of foreign exchange to the national fishery export after tuna fish and the country aims at increasing the national production. A road map was designed for the development of national shrimp farming following a sustainable model. A pilot project is expected to be developed in Tegal Beuleut subdistrict that, if successful, could be implemented by farmers and expects to attract investors.

“The good news is that currently many private parties are interested in this business in West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi and Gorontalo. Companies are interested after seeing the success of the sustainable shrimp pond model in North Mamuju and several other regions,” Slamet said.