

Innovative krill oil project nears finishing line

rnA ground-breaking project to provide freshly processed, superior quality krill oil direct from the sea to the market, is nearing its final stages.

A ground-breaking project to provide freshly processed krill oil to the market place direct from the sea, is nearing its final stages thanks to the determined efforts of Dimitri Sclabos, who believes that his Chilean company’s innovative solvent-free krill extraction process will provide a superior product in terms of market value and quality. 

 The process, developed by Santiago-based Tharos, which specialises in marine and seafood products and works with corporations in Asia, Europe and the Americas, takes place at sea within four hours of harvest, and uses no solvents.

“This compares favourably with other oil extraction methods that use solvents at some point in the process and often take months to complete, as the oil is transported to shore for final processing,” explained Sclabos.

The company aims to commercialise the product as soon as possible, and is currently talking to key buyers.

Sclabos pointed out that processing directly where the raw material is captured reduces costs significantly, with no need for additional processing investments on land. This in turn enables consumers to profit from lower prices, as well as providing a fresher, higher quality oil.

“This innovative concept provides the health and food industries with a competitively priced krill oil that preserves krill´s original nutritional and medical properties. It extracts the entire phospholipids profile from the raw fresh krill, thereby preserving their naturally high Omega-3 and astaxanthin content,” he said.

The Tharos extraction process provides Phospholipids up to 65%, Phosphatidylcholine above 42%, Phosphatidylserine up to 3%, EPA + DHA up to 40% and Astaxathin up to 1.100mg/k (ppm)

Sclabos, who has been working on his krill oil project for some time, claims the innovative process also offers unmatched freshness parameters, providing a unique and characteristic fresh marine smell and flavour, which he believes will lead to market success and open up a new category in the Omega-3 industry.

Futher details here.