

International Feed Safety Alliance (IFSA) website launched

The International Feed Safety Alliance (IFSA) has launched a website to communicate information about the new International Feed Ingredient Standard and the IFSA organization.
November 10, 2005

The International Feed Safety Alliance (IFSA) has launched a website to communicate information about the new International Feed Ingredient Standard and the IFSA organization.

On 1 September 2005, the International Feed Safety Alliance (IFSA) was officially launched with the publication of the IFSA Feed Ingredients Standard (IFIS) and the IFSA Rules of Certification. The aim of IFSA is to contribute to the safety assurance of feed ingredients, which will help to protect the health of animals that consume feed and humans that consume the livestock products in the form of meat, fish, milk and eggs. Starting from January 1st 2006 feed ingredients producers can seek certification against IFIS.

IFSA is a joint project initiated by Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) of the UK, the European Feed Manufacturers Federation (FEFAC), OVOCOM VZW of Belgium, Productschap Diervoeder (PDV) of the Netherlands and Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH (QS) of Germany. Together these organizations have combined their experience into one programme that can operate across the world with one set of standards. IFIS will enable feed ingredient companies to be audited against one standard as opposed to multiple audits which will result in more consistent standards, a lack of duplication and cost saving.

Visit the IFSA Website